Monday, November 30, 2009

Let's Talk About Cover Letters

One of the most frequently asked questions is about cover letters. The question usually revolves around the problem most have in constructing one. Their concern is that it is as important as their resume and should have real impact to the reader.

My usual response is to ask my own question of why they want a cover letter like they describe. The answer is usually connected with they are sending letters and resumes to potential company HR departments and they are responding to various types of ads.

I usually respond to this with something like: Picture yourself in a situation where you have done considerable research on numerous companies. That research entails having talked with several people who work there and have good insight into the company. Their insights might encompass the culture, the type of people who work there, the type of positions they have open currently. It might also include who the hiring managers are for those positions of interest because that question was asked.

Now picture yourself talking with the hiring manager of the position you are interested in. Because of your previous research you are asking him/her questions about the challenges they have, the opportunities they have as a department or company (among other questions). The hiring manager is impressed by your knowledge and questions. You are now talking about how you can contribute to helping him/her achieve the goals and objectives they have perhaps. He/she now wants information about you. Here's the punch line.

Instead of sending a cover letter and resume because you know the position qualifications well from talking with the hiring manager; you send information that clearly indicates you are qualified for the position. The hiring manager now wants a face to face interview.

No cover letter has been sent. HR has not put your resume in the "discard" pile. The keyword search program has not passed you over.

Doesn't that sound more like the scenario most job seekers would prefer? It is possible. There is actually more to it but these are skills that can be learned and applied with great success.

See Career Track Experts' webiste, to review our 5 series webinars to learn how to conduct the most successful job search you have imagined. You can also sign up for our webinar on, The Secrets of Powerful Resume Creation. They may be the best investments you have ever made.

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