Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Be Like a Politician? Are You Sure?

Well, the election is over and like most everything else someone is trying to capitalizing on its momentary popularity.  The day after the election someone had an article ready for Fox Business.  It is titled, Why You Need to Run Your Job Search Like a Presidential Campaign, by Andrea Murad. 

The title alone is enough to make one suspicious.  To do anything like politicians do should raise a red flag.  To conduct a job search or manage a career like a politician should make one very uneasy.  Sure enough, after reading the article it was clear that it was only intended, like too many politicians to gain notice not to be helpful. 

To be fair, there were one or two points that had some validity.  To be frank, in the overall, it is not going to help anyone.  Just like a political campaign it is designed to gain favor with someone.  The one glaring problem is that it does not mention to do your job exceedingly well. 

It also does not provide any concrete practices to find a job that makes sure the job seeker is finding the right job with the right company.  It doesn't tell how to approach a company or a hiring manager.  It doesn't tell how to ask the right questions to get the right information to determine if the person can actually help the company with their skills, experiences, education or accomplishments.  It doesn't tell how to determine if the job seeker is a fit with the culture of the organization.  There is a lot more that is lacking. 

If the goal was to publish a catchy article that many will read and be mislead on how to successfully find a job, then they accomplished the goal. 

The moral is beware of suggestions that mirror political candidate practices.  Our election results should be enough to convince anyone of that.  But, also beware of the same old pat advice of how to get a job.  Strip away all the fluff and this is still the same old practices that do not provide the necessary information from the start to the finish.  To do what is suggested does not give anyone a place to start or how to start and leaves too many questions around all of the advice. 

Go to for gaining the skills required to conduct a successful job search with over 50 years of proven results. 

PS. Here is the link to the article, please don't take it too seriously, just like politicians:

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