Saturday, January 2, 2010

"No That's Not It..."

Have you ever noticed something very obvious and pointed it out to someone only to have them say something like, "No that's not it."? I think we all have and it usually puzzles us because it seems so obvious as I stated earlier. Maybe it is related to the cliche, "You can't see the forest for the trees." Whatever the reason it applies to those seeking a new job too.

We place articles here on our blog, on our website, We receive a lot of nice comments on them and we receive numerous questions by job seekers concerning their specific search. Most ask if we are able to diagnose why they are not succeeding and what they can do to change their situation. All very reasonable. However, when we respond that the method they are using to conduct their search is not effective and does little to create success, they respond similarly to above in some form of "No that's not it."

I understand their response. Almost everyone has the same notion due to historical methodology. They typically are sending lots of template resumes, similar cover letters to lists of companies and to job postings. It has been virtually pounded into everyone that it is the only way to obtain their next job. They are perplexed, frustrated, and even angry they have had little or no results. Many are now starting to question that method. They are quickly recognizing they are working hard to gain little.  They may or may not recognize that the practice of create a resume, send a resume and wait for a response if very passive and puts the company the resume was sent to in charge of their efforts. 

The good news is that more are starting to understand that there has to be another way to work hard at their job search but achieve the success they want.  They now know they have to be proative and exercise certain skills in order to be in charge of their job search. When they complete our webinar series they understand what that better way is. Besides achieving the results they want, they also achieve some side benefits. They are no longer perplexed, frustrated or angry. Their outlook becomes much brighter and they feel productive. Who doesn't want that?

Our webinar program can be found on our site at

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